Dear friends and neighbors,

Ensuring the integrity of our elections and protecting our democracy are fundamental responsibilities that we must uphold. As we reflect on our achievements during the last legislative session, I’d like to share the progress we’ve made to safeguard our electoral process and protect those who administer it.

Strengthening Protections for Election Workers

One of our key accomplishments is passing House Bill 1241, sponsored by Rep. Mari Leavitt. This important legislation makes it a class C felony to threaten an election worker in writing or in person. This builds on our 2022 legislation, which made it a felony to cyberstalk election officials or threaten them through electronic communications. With one in four election workers experiencing abuse, harassment, or threats, it’s crucial we take these threats seriously.

Enhancing Election Security and Accessibility

We also made significant strides in making voting more accessible and secure. Several bills that do this were recently signed into law, including:

  • Senate Bill 6269: I was proud to introduce this bill which initiates the Alternative Verification Options Pilot Project, spearheaded by the Secretary of State’s office. It allows counties to explore alternative methods beyond signature verification to confirm whether ballots were filled out by the intended voter. Participating counties will have the opportunity to implement innovative approaches during specified special elections, subject to approval and oversight.
  • Senate Bill 5843: This bill allows the Secretary of State to certify election results in any county where the canvassing board refuses to do so without reason. It also introduces security measures to counter cyber hacking of election materials and sets penalties for election interference.
  • House Bill 1962: This bill removes the requirement for voters who move within the state to re-register, making it easier for people to maintain their voter registration.

These bills underscore our unwavering commitment to strengthening democracy and ensuring that every eligible voter’s voice is heard. By addressing ballot rejection disparities and pioneering innovative verification methods, we are taking concrete steps to bolster voter access, inclusivity, and integrity in our state’s electoral process.

As the current Vice Chair of the Senate State Government & Elections Committee and former Chair of the House State Government Committee, I remain committed to ensuring that access to the ballot remains open and secure for all Washingtonians. Our efforts this session reflect our dedication to upholding the principles of democracy and ensuring that every vote counts.

Thank you for your continued support. Please feel free to reach out to me via email at or by calling my office at (360) 786-7690. You can also stay informed about my activities by visiting my website or following me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for regular updates.





Javier Valdez