Dear friends and neighbors, 

Happy Pride Month! As we celebrate, I am delighted to share some of the significant strides we have made in advancing the rights and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community this past legislative session. Our dedication to equality and justice has led to the passage of several key bills, all aimed at ensuring fair treatment and protection for everyone in our state. 

Creating Safer and Healthier Spaces 

One of our notable achievements this session is the passage of Senate Bill 6105, which improves working conditions in adult entertainment venues. Following recent incidents involving raids on LGBTQ+ establishments, we quickly amended existing laws to eliminate outdated regulations that unfairly targeted the LGBTQ+ community. This legislation is a crucial step in ensuring all individuals can feel safe and respected in their workplaces and social spaces. As discrimination and violence against LGBTQ+ people continue to rise nationally, it is very important that we bolster policies promoting health, safety, and dignity for all. 

Legislative Highlights 

  • House Bill 1954 updates language regarding reproductive health and gender-affirming care, ensuring inclusive and comprehensive medical services for LGBTQ+ individuals. 
  • Senate Bill 6127 increases access to HIV post-exposure prophylaxis, a vital measure for the health and safety of our community. 
  • House Bill 2014 extends state benefits and services to veterans discharged solely due to discriminatory policies, ensuring they receive the support they deserve. 
  • House Bill 1905 expands workplace protections to include all protected classes, ensuring fair treatment and equal opportunities for every worker. 
  • House Bill 1541 ensures diverse representation on task forces and advisory committees that address issues affecting underrepresented populations. 
  • Senate Bill 5793 broadens the definition of “family member” in Washington’s Paid Sick Leave Law, acknowledging the diverse family structures within our community. 
  • Senate Bill 5917 establishes penalties for bias-motivated property defacement, reinforcing our commitment to fighting hate crimes. 
  • Senate Bill 5427 creates a hotline for victims of hate crimes, providing essential support and resources. 
  • Senate Bill 6006 offers comprehensive support for victims of human trafficking and sexual abuse, addressing the needs of some of our most vulnerable community members. 

Supporting Our Youth 

The well-being of our young people is paramount, and this session we also focused on fostering an inclusive and supportive educational environment: 

  • House Bill 1239 simplifies the process for handling complaints in the education system, ensuring swift and fair resolutions. 
  • Senate Bill 5462 mandates inclusive curricula in schools, highlighting the histories and contributions of marginalized groups, including the LGBTQ+ community. 
  • House Bill 2331 prevents the banning of books and materials related to the contributions of protected classes, promoting a diverse and inclusive learning environment. 

I am proud to support a community that values inclusivity and equality. Together, we have made significant progress in ensuring that our state is a welcoming and safe place for all individuals and families. Please feel free to reach out to me via email at or by calling my office at 360-786-7690. You can also stay informed about my activities by visiting my website or following me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for regular updates.  


Javier Valdez