Aven Bordsen and RJ Montoure, eighth graders at Blaine Middle School, served as pages in the Washington State Senate the week of Jan. 30th, 2023. Sen. Sharon Shewmake (D-Bellingham) sponsored their week at the Legislature.
The page program offers a hands-on opportunity for students to find out how state government works. During the week-long interactive learning experience, students get a first-hand look at the legislative process and get to explore the Capitol campus by assisting senators and their staff. Along with the practical experience, pages are also taught about state government by staff and by guest speakers.
Bordsen and Montoure were both recommended to the program by their civic teacher, and both enjoyed their experience. Montoure said that his favorite part of the experience was interacting with the other pages, while Bordsen said that his favorite part was “getting to meet all the senators and the people that do legislating.”
Both pages enjoyed their experience with Sen. Shewmake, with Montoure saying, “She’s nice, and the people who work in her office are nice too.” Bordsen said that he “learned that she lived in Tennessee when she was younger, which was cool.”
Part of the program has students write their own bills and debate them in committee. Bordsen wrote his bill on decreasing the voting age to 16, while Montoure wrote his bill on taxing flavored vape products.
Sen. Shewmake said that she was happy she got to speak with the students and was glad that they are “learning about the legislature and exploring their future pathways.”
For more information about the Senate Page Program, contact SenatePageProgram@leg.wa.gov.

Senator Sharon Shewmake with Page Aven Bordsen – Jan. 30, 2023

Senator Sharon Shewmake with Page Roland Montoure – Jan. 30, 2023

Senator Sharon Shewmake with Page Roland Montoure and Aven Bordsen – Jan. 30, 2023