Friends, neighbors –

I’m excited to invite you to a 🚢 FERRY TOWN HALL next Tuesday, Nov. 23, at 6:30pm! 🚢 Register by tapping the image below!

My colleagues from Kitsap – Sen. Rolfes, Rep. Hansen, and Rep. Simmons – will be joining me and staff from Washington State Ferries for a conversation about the Bremerton and Southworth Ferry Runs.

Our ferries are a crucial part of our region’s infrastructure and a regular part of our lives here in our community. They get working parents to their jobs, young learners home from school, healthcare workers to their shifts, patients to their appointments. They keep us all connected and keep our neighbors and our economy healthy.

❗ Join us on Nov. 23 at 6:30pm and bring your comments, your questions, your frustrations, and your vision for our ferry system. We need our ferries, which is why disruptions to service are a challenge for all of us. Let’s solve those challenges together.

➡ Forward this email to three friends or ferry riders in your life who might not be on our list so they know they’re invited to share their thoughts!

❓ Any questions beforehand? Easy ways to reach me include FacebookInstagram, and Twitter – where you can shoot me a message and follow along to see what we’re up to. You can also reach out anytime at 360-786-7650 or

The more we hear from you, the better our work in Olympia can reflect our shared values and goals.

All my best,