Dear friends and neighbors, It’s an honor to serve our communities in Bremerton, Port Orchard, Gig Harbor and the Key Peninsula as your state senator. We just wrapped up the 2024 legislative session, and I’m excited to tell you about what we’ve accomplished this year together. We prioritized legislation to make housing more affordable through increased funding to the Housing Trust Fund, put money back in the pockets of working families to pay their utility bills, and improved access to the Working Families Tax Credit. We also increased funding for school construction, to pay paraeducators more, and educate our ...
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About Emily
Sen. Emily Randall was born and raised on the Kitsap Peninsula in a hardworking union family. As a community organizer and advocate for health care and education, she is focused on putting the people of the 26th District first. She was elected to the state Senate in November 2018. Emily is now the Deputy Majority Leader and the chair of the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee. She also serves as a member of the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee and the Senate Ways & Means Committee.
Growing up in Port Orchard, Emily learned the value of education from her parents and her teachers. Her dad worked at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and her mom started a career as a para-educator when Emily was in high school. As the first in her family to attend a four-year college, she knows how important it is to make the path to higher education more accessible. She is dedicated to using her position on the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee to prioritize affordable college tuition, apprenticeship and job training programs to prepare students for living-wage jobs at local businesses.
Read Randall’s full biography here.