
Senator Emily Randall

26th Legislative District

Sen. Emily Randall was born and raised on the Kitsap Peninsula in a hardworking union family. As a community organizer and advocate for health care and education, she is focused on putting the people of the 26th District first. She was elected to the state Senate in November 2018. Emily is now the Deputy Majority Leader, and continues to serve as chair of the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee and a member of the Senate Health & Long Term Care and Ways & Means committees.

Growing up in Port Orchard, Emily learned the value of education from her parents and her teachers. Her dad worked at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and her mom started a career as a para-educator when Emily was in high school. As the first in her family to attend a four-year college, she knows how important it is to make the path to higher education more accessible. She is dedicated to using her position on the Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee to prioritize affordable college tuition, apprenticeship and job training programs to prepare students for living-wage jobs at local businesses.

Since graduating from Wellesley College, Emily has dedicated herself to expanding education opportunities and access to affordable health care for women, children and LGBTQ folks around the country. This cause is personal for her: Emily’s sister Olivia was born with severe developmental and physical disabilities, and it was their family’s access to Medicaid that made it possible for Olivia to live a happy life in their family home for 19 years. Emily believes that all families should have access to the health care they need to keep their families together, and no one should be at risk of bankruptcy because of their health care needs. In her first session as a legislator, she sponsored and passed the Reproductive Health Care for All bill and built a pathway to universal health care.

Moving forward, she plans to continue making progress toward affordable higher education and expanded health care access. She is proud to serve her community in the state Senate and to put people first.

TVW: Legislator Profiles

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"Here at the capitol I'm working with my colleagues to ensure that everyone in Washington has access to healthcare that's high-quality, comprehensive, and affordable."