
Legislature increases public benefits and supportive services

Legislature increases public benefits and supportive services

A decade ago, while our state was struggling to recover from the Great Recession, the Legislature was hamstrung by voter initiatives that blocked tax increases. I was proud to work ...

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Celebrating freedom and democracy

Celebrating freedom and democracy

Dear friends and neighbors, Voting is the foundation of our democracy. As we celebrate Independence Day this week, I want to share good news about voting access here in Washington. Since 2018, ...

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Legislature invests in behavioral health

Legislature invests in behavioral health

Dear friends and neighbors, Like many other states, Washington has struggled to meet the needs of people with mental health or substance use disorders, now often referred to as behavioral health. ...

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Legislature invests in community facilities

Legislature invests in community facilities

Dear friends and neighbors, Each year the state makes hundreds of new investments to improve public spaces around the state. Thanks to persistent and effective advocacy by community members and nonprofits, ...

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Expanding access to Washington’s Death with Dignity Act

Expanding access to Washington’s Death with Dignity Act

Dear friends and neighbors, We have learned much since voters in our state approved the Death with Dignity Act by initiative in 2008. The law allows terminally ill adults with less ...

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Washington officially abolishes the death penalty

Washington officially abolishes the death penalty

Dear friends and neighbors, Our state’s long journey to abolish the death penalty has been difficult and emotional. For decades, advocates and a growing number of lawmakers fought to end the ...

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Climate action and protecting the environment

Climate action and protecting the environment

Dear friends and neighbors, From heat waves and flooding to catastrophic wildfires and drought, climate change is affecting our state’s communities, economy, and natural systems. This session, the Legislature passed several ...

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Legislature advances LBGTQ+ rights

Legislature advances LBGTQ+ rights

Dear friends and neighbors, Pride Month starts next week, and I’m delighted to report that this year’s legislative session produced several significant new laws to celebrate. We focused on policies to ...

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