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E News- Schools deserve certainty

E News- Schools deserve certainty

Dear friends and neighbors, This week the House passed legislation that would protect local school levy dollars for one more year while the Legislature continues to works on a school funding overhaul. It was the first bill passed by the House this year and it should be the first bill the ...

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E News- Let's fix the SR 18/ I-90 interchange sooner

E News- Let's fix the SR 18/ I-90 interchange sooner

Dear friends and neighbors, In last week’s e-newsletter, I mentioned that my number-one priority this session was to keep traffic moving. Yesterday, I sent a letter to the chairs of the Senate and House transportation committees urging them to accelerate the timing of the SR 18/ I-90 interchange project so production ...

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E News- Back to work

E News- Back to work

Dear friends and neighbors, The 2017 legislative session kicked off on Monday and I’m happy to be back in Olympia. On Monday, I may have been the first legislator in the history of the state Senate to be sworn in while on crutches. In case you missed it, I was involved ...

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E News- Operating budget hurts schools and local communities

E News- Operating budget hurts schools and local communities

Dear friends and neighbors, Throughout my time serving in the Senate, I have never voted against a final operating budget — until today. I cannot in good conscience support a budget that raids the pocketbooks of our cities and hampers my local school districts’ ability to plan their upcoming budgets. This budget ...

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E News- 2016 highlights

E News- 2016 highlights

Dear friends and neighbors, It has been an honor to represent you and the entire 5th Legislative District this year. We are in the final hours of the legislative session and even though I am seriously disappointed that we have yet to pass a supplemental budget, I am confident we will ...

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E News- Tackling traffic congestion

E News- Tackling traffic congestion

Dear friends and neighbors, In last year’s transportation revenue package, I was able to secure funding for a new interchange at Highway 18 and I-90. Congestion at this location is maddening, and this project will go a long way toward speeding up the flow of traffic. However, completion of this project ...

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E News- Helping families save for college

E News- Helping families save for college

Dear friends and neighbors, As the father of four daughters, I know how stressful it can feel when planning to save for college. What families need are options. That’s why this session I co-sponsored Senate Bill 6601, which establishes the Washington College Savings Program. This bill creates a 529 defined-contribution savings ...

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