Greetings! What an exhilarating first half of the 2019 session! Over the past couple of weeks, the Senate has been hard at work in floor session, debating and passing over 300 bills. But before we get to highlights, I want ...
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Greetings! We are now over a month into the 2019 legislative session and, through snow and sleet, the Senate is hard at work passing bills out of committee! This session, I’ve introduced a combined 37 bills, joint memorials and resolutions, ...
Read MoreDear friends and neighbors, When Democrats won the Senate Majority last November, my legislative colleagues and I immediately felt what Martin Luther King Jr. once called the “fierce urgency of now.” Hoping to embrace it, the Senate Democratic Caucus laid ...
Read MoreIn 1998, voters approved Initiative 200, a measure that effectively banned affirmative action on Washington’s college campuses and in state contracting. The aim of the initiative was to level the playing field in college admissions and public employment. But it ...
Read MoreLast week, Governor Inslee vetoed Senate Bill 6617, the Legislative Public Records Act (LPRA). After hearing from the people of the 48th District, I believe it was the right decision. I originally supported this legislation because it expanded transparency and ...
Read MoreSupporting student-led efforts to encourage composting and recycling in public schools, the Washington state Senate today passed legislation to further enable the environmentally friendly practices. Senate Bill 6168, sponsored by Sen. Patty Kuderer, D-Bellevue, was initially drafted by students from ...
Read MoreJune 30, 2017 Dear friends and neighbors, Today has been a busy day in Olympia and I want to give you an update. As you may have already heard by now, the Legislature passed a two-year operating budget, just hours ...
Read MoreDear friends and neighbors, Sen. Patty Kuderer Contact: Email: Phone: 360-786-7694 Legislative Hotline: 800-562-6000 Senate Committees: Health Care (Assistant Ranking) Financial Institutions & Insurance State Government As we wrap up the first week of the special session, I would ...
Read MoreApril 7, 2017 Dear friends and neighbors, Spring has arrived in Olympia with the beautiful cherry blossoms! Today marks the 89th day of the 105 day legislative session and we continue to pass bills on the Senate floor. Relief ...
Read MoreDear friends and neighbors, Senate Republican operating budget passes on party-line vote Two days after Senate Republicans released their 554-page operating budget, it narrowly passed off the floor along party lines, 25-24. I voted no for several reasons. Chief among ...
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