Sen. Manka Dhingra introduced a resolution in the Senate to honor and celebrate Republic Day of India on Friday, Jan. 26. She delivered the following remarks:
“Thank you, Madam President.
“I rise today to honor the 69th Republic Day of India, celebrating the day in which India implemented its Constitution, taking the final step toward full independence.
“The nation of India defeated colonization and achieved independence through a peaceful, nonviolent resistance.
“Today we honor and celebrate the journey, which led to the establishment of the world’s largest, and one of the most diverse, democracies in the world—with over 300 languages and dialects spoken throughout the country.
“America shares many values with India including the constitutional tenants, which ensure dignity and liberty for its constituents and equality in the eyes of the law.
“Washington state also shares deep cultural and economic ties with India.
“Thousands of Indian-Americans live in Washington state and enrich every facet of our society—from the classroom, to the boardroom, to the battlefield.
“Indian-Americans are small business owners, entrepreneurs, and CEOs of Washington companies, including the founding officers of many tech companies, like the businesses in the 45th Legislative District.
“Madam President, I am proud to stand before you today and honor Republic Day 2018 as a symbol of the shared values of democracy and liberty, between the nation of India, our nation and our state.
“Thank you.”