A number of elected Spokane leaders have issued a statement strongly opposing the presence of armed individuals during protests in downtown Spokane. The statement, which is signed by a number of officials including Mayor Nadine Woodward, City Council President Breean Beggs and Senator Andy Billing, reads as follows: "We, as elected leaders from the Spokane community, declare that we oppose the presence ...
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The Washington State Senate is forming a bipartisan committee to address Washington State’s long-term economic recovery from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig announced. Set to convene its first meeting in June, the committee will make recommendations on COVID-19 recovery legislation ahead of a potential special session, and the 2021 legislative session next year. It’s hard to imagine a ...
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The Spokesman-Review: Washington legislative leaders in both parties back Inslee’s ‘stay home’ order
Legislative leaders backed Gov. Jay Inslee’s “stay home” order Monday night, urging residents to increase efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 across Washington. “This is a crisis for everyone in our community and any individual could get sick themselves or they could give the illness to a loved one,” said Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig, D-Spokane. If people make wise decisions ...
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