
Dear friends and neighbors,
The Legislative interim (the time between Legislative sessions) allows legislators to spend time in their communities, educating, learning, and connecting. Over the last couple of months, I have had the opportunity to engage with Spokane constituents and celebrate community wins, including those below. Leadership Spokane I always appreciate the chance to address the Leadership Spokane graduating class, and this ...Read More
Dear friends and neighbors,
It has been two months since the 2024 legislative session wrapped up, and I have been enjoying being back in Spokane. We have spent some time reflecting on the 2024 legislative session, and you may have received a session recap newsletter in the mail. If not, you can click here to view the newsletter and read about ...Read More
Dear friends and neighbors,
The legislative session ended a little over a month ago, and legislators have returned to our districts to connect with constituents, dive deeper into policy, and enjoy the spring weather. The weeks after each legislative session are a good time to reflect on this session, and this year, ...Read More

Dear friends and neighbors,
The President of the Senate has dropped his gavel for the last time this session, and the 2024 Legislature has adjourned Sine Die, Latin for "without day." Legislators are headed back to their districts to spend time learning, listening, and engaging with their communities.I am proud of our work this year, especially the strides we made ...
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Dear friends and neighbors,
Today, with a great sense of gratitude and accomplishment, I announced I am not running for re-election in 2024. I will be finishing my Senate term (which runs through the end of the year) and my term as Majority Leader. For the last 14 years, I have been incredibly lucky to serve you as a member of the ...Read More
Howdy! My name is Anders Svenningsen, and I have had the honor to work as Sen. Billig’s intern these past three months. Today I have the privilege to share in the traditional “Intern take-over” of the newsletter. I am originally from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, but currently, as a senior at Gonzaga University, I call Spokane home. ...
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Thank you for such a dynamic and productive virtual town hall this last Tuesday. We had a big turnout, with over 130 people showing up to participate, ask questions, and hear the latest news from Olympia. Among the topics discussed were affordable housing, behavioral health, climate change, initiatives before the legislature, and more. Dialogue like this is essential for our democratic process to function effectively and to help us ...
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Dear friends and neighbors,
In the last week, both the House and Senate have released proposed 2024 supplemental budgets. Supplemental budgets are passed in even-numbered years and allow the state to make adjustments and enhancements to the main two-year budgets passed in odd-numbered years. While smaller, these budgets still fund vital services and investments to benefit the people of Spokane and all of Washington state. Capital Budget The capital ...Read More
Dear friends and neighbors,
This week, the chamber of origin cutoff means yet another shift in schedule. We have been on the Senate floor the last few days working to pass Senate bills. After the cutoff on Tuesday, Feb. 13, any Senate bills that ...
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