Dear neighbors,
The 2025 legislative session is off and running. I am so excited to be back in Olympia representing you and pushing forward ideas to make life better for people in our community and around the state.
Each time we talk, I feel that the conversation always turns to education. My top priority as your senator and chair of the Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee is Washington’s school kids. All 1.1 million kids attending school in our state must have access to the best teachers and materials and feel safe and welcome in their own classroom.
That is my focus this year as it has been every single year I’ve been in Olympia.
I am proud to take the lead on a pair of bills (and equally proud to support others) that will improve Washington schools and outcomes for our kids. For students who need a little extra help, access to special education programs are a critical need. That’s why I am continuing my work in this area with a bill to help more kids get the assistance they need when they need it.
I’m also working to ensure kids arrive at school safely and in a timely manner through a bill to address student transportation.
With increasing costs, schools are struggling to make sure there’s access to materials like pencils, paper, books and other resources, which ensure students can actively participate and succeed. My colleague, Sen. T’wina Nobles, has a wonderful bill to ensure classrooms have the resources every student needs.
Education funding is the leading priority each year, but even more so in 2025. I encourage you to read this Seattle Times article that does a very good job explaining all of the challenges schools face and the work the legislature must do to help.
Now that you’ve heard from me, I’d love to hear from you. As always, my door and email inbox are always open, and my phone is always on. Drop me a line if you have any questions or comments this session. Your feedback is critical to this process.
Yours in service,