Category Archives: E-News

View of Washington State Capitol building with surrounding cherry trees in bloom with pink blossoms. The sky is clear and deep blue.
16 Apr

MARK YOUR CALENDAR – Virtual Town Hall, April 27 @ 6pm!

To my community – The cherry blossoms are blooming, the daffodils are showing their faces, and the days are getting longer. To me, these beautiful signs of spring signal warm and wonderful days ahead spent with loved ones outdoors – ...

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04 Mar

Policy progress updates!

To my community –   We have some MAJOR milestones to celebrate. Our community’s legislative priorities are on the move, and with just a couple more weeks of the 2022 session left, we’re also poised to make bold investments in the ...

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11 Feb

Let’s check in – Virtual Town Hall on Feb. 22 at 6pm!

To my community – We’re now halfway through the legislative session, and I can’t wait to connect with you to get your questions, hear your thoughts, and share updates on our community’s priorities as they move through the legislature. MARK ...

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22 Jan

Hitting the ground running! – Week TWO update

To my community – We’re closing out week 2 of session and we really have hit the ground running! I remain honored to represent you in the Legislature and want to give you some updates from my first two weeks. ...

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08 Jan

Meet LD 27’s newest senator! – Sen. Yasmin Trudeau

To my community – It is my honor and privilege to introduce myself as both your neighbor and your newest state senator! My name is Yasmin Trudeau, and on November 2, I was appointed by the Pierce County Council to ...

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