
Mathilda Hummel serves as a page in Washington State Senate

Mathilda Hummel serves as a page in Washington State Senate

For Immediate

OLYMPIA – Mathilda Hummel served as a page for the Washington State Senate during the second week of the 2024 legislative session. Sen. Jesse Salomon (D-Shoreline) sponsored her time at the Legislature. 


The page program offers a hands-on opportunity for students to find out how state government works. ...

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Week seven of session: Bipartisan legislation bridges gap between policy and practice when dealing with domestic violence

Week seven of session: Bipartisan legislation bridges gap between policy and practice when dealing with domestic violence

Friends and neighbors, We are approaching the end of the seventh week of the 2023 legislative session and our hard work continues. One of our caucus priorities in the Senate this session is “Safety for All,” which includes ensuring that every Washingtonian is safe and feels welcome in their communities. One way we are contributing to ensure safety for all is by prioritizing protections for victims of domestic violence. Important Legislation This session I sponsored SB 5231, which passed the Senate with ...

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The Seattle Times Editorial: State Sen. Salomon’s bill is best response to WA drug possession law

The Seattle Times Editorial: State Sen. Salomon’s bill is best response to WA drug possession law

The Washington Supreme Court has pushed the state Legislature this year to create a permanent law governing the possession of controlled substances. The Supreme Court’s 2021 Washington state v. Blake ruling struck down the statute that made possession of controlled substances a class C felony. That forced the Legislature to quickly come up with a stopgap law in 2021 that made knowingly possessing controlled substances a misdemeanor rather than a Class C felony. But before a person can be charged, under ...

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Legislative session update and resources to stay involved

Legislative session update and resources to stay involved

Dear friends and neighbors, The 2023 legislative session is in full swing, and we are hard at work. I am deeply honored to begin my second term serving you as state senator for the 32nd Legislative District. This is the first in-person legislative session since the pandemic, and we have a full agenda. As we begin week three of the 2023 session, I want to provide an update on some of my legislation and provide some resources to help you stay involved. My ...

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Salomon bill would allow psilocybin use among adults over age 21 under supervision

Salomon bill would allow psilocybin use among adults over age 21 under supervision

OLYMPIA—Sen. Jesse Salomon (D-Shoreline) has introduced SB 5263 which would legalize and regulate the supervised use of psilocybin and make it available for wellness purposes. It would allow people aged 21 and over to undergo a psychedelic experience at a registered facility with appropriate supervision. A previous version of the bill introduced during the 2022 legislative session failed to advance past committee. Like the previous bill, the 2023 version regulates supported adult use which has been shown in FDA-approved studies ...

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This webpage will be static during election-year freeze

This webpage will be static during election-year freeze

Dear neighbors,


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