Dear Friends and Neighbors,
The 2017 legislative session will end on Sunday without addressing our paramount duty to fund education and without passing a state budget. Despite efforts by Democrats to urge them to come to the table, Senate Republicans have refused to negotiate. That is why the Governor will immediately summon the Legislature back into special session to finish the budget.
This is extremely frustrating and unnecessary. I remain hopeful however that the negotiators can come together and produce a fair and balanced budget soon.
In spite of the anticlimactic end to the regular session, the Legislature did move many good policies forward. Recently a constituent noted that I had signed onto a lot of bills and wondered how many of those bills were still alive.
So, while we await news on the state budget, I’ve included the status of a handful of my policy priorities this session.
It has been a great honor to serve you these past months, and I will continue to update you as the budget is negotiated. As always, I hope you’ll stay in touch.

First Bill Signed Into Law
I had my first bill signed into law on Wednesday by Gov. Jay Inslee, Senate Bill 5837, which will expand access to HOV lanes for blood donation vehicles. With increased technology, better blood-type matches are possible – making the quick transport of life-saving blood ever more important. My father became a blood donor as a child so he could help his sister and has continued to be a donor in Washington state. This is an issue that has touched many of us, and this bill will help ensure blood donation vehicles can continue to do their best work as we evaluate how HOV lanes can better serve Washingtonians. For more information, please click here.
Protecting Internet Privacy
I am the co-sponsor of a bipartisan bill called the Internet Privacy Act. If passed, this would block internet providers’ ability to collect and sell identifiable, personal information without the customer’s permission. Failure by corporations to comply would be a violation of the Washington State Consumer Protection Act.
We wrote and submitted this bill after the Congress voted to suspend Federal Communications Commission rules protecting internet privacy. Legislation like this has since been introduced in over 20 states and is critical to ensuring personal information is kept private.
The House bill just passed by 87-10. It now heads to the Senate, where 12 Senate Republicans co-sponsored the Senate companion bill. Unfortunately, Senate Republican leadership has indicated they are not committed to passing the bill this session. I will continue to work to keep the bill moving, but if you are interested in this issue I encourage you to submit comments on it by clicking here. You can also find contact information for all senators here.