Dear friends and neighbors,
It’s a privilege and an honor to connect with you through my first e-newsletter update for the 2023 session — the first we’ve had in person since 2020. I’m incredibly grateful to for this opportunity to continue serving in the Senate and push for policies that further support and invest in our neighbors in the 38th District.

Senator June Robinson with Page Jessie Dahl – Jan. 9, 2023
And for this first week, I had the pleasure of sponsoring Jesse Dahl in the Senate page program, which provides 14- to 18-year-olds the chance to participate in the legislative process and observe the Legislature in action. Thank you for your help, Jesse!
Supporting health care workers
While many of our lives have returned to normal, the unmanageable working conditions our health care workers face haven’t. They continue to struggle with day-to-day demands.
This is why I’m sponsoring Senate Bill 5236 to protect workers from the stress of unmanageable patient loads and mitigate the burnout they face each day.
We can’t ignore this crisis any longer — health care workers are begging us to act. It’s time for the Legislature to pass safe-staffing standards that allow them to not only do their jobs safely but provide our loved ones the quality care they deserve.
Washington should be a place health care workers want to come and have long, successful careers — together, we can do that.
Stay tuned for more updates on this bill’s progress, and learn more here.
How to testify in committee
The pandemic taught us many lessons, particularly the importance of remote public testimony. I’m so pleased that it will continue to be offered in addition to in-person testimony for all committees, providing every Washingtonian the chance to participate no matter what part of the state they call home. You can register for in-person and remote testimony here.
By sharing your thoughts on legislation with us, you can help shape better policy and guide lawmakers in our service. This work can’t — and shouldn’t — happen without you.
Stay updated

Opening day ceremonies in the Washington State Senate – Jan. 9, 2023
Our office is as available to you as ever. Send me an email at, or give me a call at 360-786-7674.
I’d love to hear from you and look forward to learning more about your priorities for the upcoming year. You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram (@SenJuneRobinson) for regular updates throughout the coming months.
My work in Olympia is always informed by the voices of my neighbors, and I’m eager to hear yours.