Friends, neighbors –
I have two important invitations for you – two opportunities to connect with your legislators, share your story, and make yourself heard.
Invite #1: Please mark your calendar and REGISTER for my upcoming Virtual Community Coffee Hour on Thursday, Sep. 23, from 5:30pm-6:30pm! These laidback, virtual conversations have been wonderful opportunities to hear what’s on your mind, answer any questions you have, and listen to your ideas for building a better Washington together.
Past conversation topics have included: updates on the progress toward fixing the Gorst bottleneck, making sure our neighbors with disabilities have the educational and employment support they need, finding solutions to soaring prescription med costs, and so much more. What subject do you want to bring to our next virtual coffee hour?

A screenshot from one of our recent virtual community coffee hours!
Invite #2: Save the date and REGISTER for the Tax Structure Work Group’s (TSWG) next Virtual Town Hall, coming up Oct. 13! There will be two town halls that day to accommodate as many of our neighbors’ schedules as possible: one from 2:30pm-4:00pm, the other from 6:30pm-8:00pm.
Our state’s current tax code taxes working families and rewards the wealthy. That’s why people across the state, Republican and Democrat alike, describe our tax code as “upside-down” and “regressive,” and are hard at work – together – to fix it.
We took a step to turn our broken tax code right side up by passing a capital gains tax last year – one that affects only 0.23% of the people in our district – that reinvests money into programs that help everyday people. But to keep up the good work, the members of the TSWG need to keep hearing from us, our community – business leaders, teachers, bankers, union workers, homeowners, renters.
I hope to see you at one or both of these important opportunities to share your thoughts!
As always, I am eager to hear from you about your priorities and to bring your thoughts and concerns with me to Olympia – your voice is with me in committee, in leadership meetings, on the Senate floor. Easy ways to reach me include Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – where you can shoot me a message and follow along to see what we’re up to. You can also reach out anytime at 360-786-7650 or
All the best,