Friends, neighbors—
Everyone – regardless of zip code, income, pre-existing conditions – should be able to get the health care that they need, when they need it. That truth is only more relevant now as we endure a pandemic together that has ground our economy to a halt, separated loved ones, stolen away lives, and disproportionately impacted Latinx, Pacific Islander, Native, and other BIPOC communities. Here in Washington, we can — and we will — continue leading the country in expanding access to the care that folks need, not only because it’s important during a public health crisis, but because it is the foundation of a strong community where every Washingtonian can thrive.
One of the steps we took as a legislature to widen access to health care was funding The Universal Healthcare Workgroup during the 2019 legislative session. The Universal Healthcare Workgroup will provide recommendations to the Legislature on how to create, implement, maintain, and fund a universal health care system. In other words, it’ll help us envision a future in which every Washingtonian has health care coverage – and lay out the plan to get there.
The work that this group does is so crucial, but like everyone else, we’ve had to adapt how we conduct meetings, stay connected, and center the voices of the public without being together in person.
That’s why I’m excited to invite you to join us via Zoom on Tuesday, August 25, for our next virtual workgroup meeting! You can register to join the meeting here, where you can also opt to sign up for public comment if you would like to share your thoughts or ask a question – your voice and experience is so important to the process!
PLEASE NOTE: the deadline to sign up for public comment is August 21 (that’s this coming Friday!), but there’s no deadline to register for the meeting if you simply want to tune in and listen.

Upcoming community conversation – evening edition!
Another opportunity to engage virtually: my next Live community conversation TOMORROW, August 18, at 5:30 pm – that’s a NEW time!! We got good feedback from folks who enjoy our weekly conversations that it’s easier to tune in during the evening, so we made the switch! Our Live conversation this week will feature youth activists from Kitsap and Pierce for a discussion about how COVID-19 has impacted them in their communities, and how they continue to advocate for their neighbors no matter the obstacles.
Hit the image below to get a reminder when we go live. And if you don’t have Facebook, don’t worry! Just reply to this email so we can get you information to call in by phone.

My recommendations for the week:
- Watch: Crip Camp on Netflix or Youtube
- Read: “Russel Ledet is working to combat racial disparities in health care,” in Teen Vogue
- Listen: “People Like Us: How our identities shape health and educational success” on Hidden Brain by NPR

And as always, please feel free to reach out anytime at (360) 742-2539 or The more we hear from you, the better our work in Olympia can reflect our shared values and goals.
All my best,