Students ages 14 to 16 may serve as Senate pages through the office of Sen. Mark Mullet, D-Issaquah, during the 2015 legislative session.
“Each year, hundreds of students enjoy this opportunity, and it’s one that I strongly recommend to 5th District residents,” Mullet said. “The page program lets young men and women see the workings of the Legislature from the inside and learn the real-world mechanics of how their government functions.”
Senate pages perform administrative tasks and participate in civic educational activities that demonstrate the operation of state government. Each page earns $35 a day for the five-day experience, performing tasks that range from making deliveries to Senate offices, to running errands, to working in the Senate chamber during floor debates. In addition, pages spend two hours a day in page school learning the legislative process. At the end of the week, pages participate in a mock debate with their peers where they experience what it is like to be a state senator.
“Students come out of the page program with an understanding of government and their role as citizens and voters that really isn’t found anywhere else,” Mullet said. “It’s a real eye-opener.”
Students may apply for page positions through their county auditor’s office or by following the directions in this link.
Mullet, the owner of two small businesses in Issaquah, is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Financial Institutions Committee and also serves on the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee and the Senate Rules Committee.
Mullet office will sponsor student pages in state Senate