Category Archives: E-News

Washington State Capitol Building
09 Feb

E News- This is not the way our state should be managed

Dear friends and family, Last Friday, without any warning, the Senate Republicans voted not to confirm Lynn Peterson, the head of the Department of Transportation (DOT). Essentially, they fired her. This was the first time since our State was founded ...

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Washington State Capitol Building
03 Feb

E News- Make local levies a part of the solution

Dear friends and neighbors, During the recession, lawmakers temporarily hiked the amount of money schools could raise through property tax levies so that school districts could survive possible statewide funding cuts. This temporary increase is set to expire at the ...

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Washington State Capitol Building
27 Jan

E News- Teacher retention and recruitment

Dear friends and neighbors, Statewide, we have a serious teacher shortage. School districts are struggling to attract teachers to the profession and retain them once they are hired. Some districts have started the year with as many as 30 classroom ...

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Washington State Capitol Building
19 Jan

E News- Charter school families deserve certainty

Dear friends and neighbors, It is an honor to be back in Olympia representing your values in the 2016 legislative session. As always, my overriding responsibility is to you, the residents of the 5th Legislative District. When it comes to ...

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