Friends and neighbors,

This year’s 105-day session started last month and will end in late April – and there’s info below in this newsletter about how to get involved. I’m always eager to hear from constituents and honored to continue representing you. We live in one of the most beautiful regions in the world and I feel privileged to represent communities that value kindness, hard work, clean air and water, quality schools, reliable transportation, and safe communities. I will also work with our state and federal partners to defend our rights and values from the chaos created by brazen, unlawful actions being taken at the federal level. Those are the values I will continue to fight for in Olympia this session.

New year, new roles

In November I was selected by my peers to serve as the Deputy Majority Leader of the Senate. I’m excited to help guide the agenda for the 30 members of the Senate Democratic Caucus. I will bring the needs of rural communities, working people, seniors, and a healthy environment to the leadership table. I’m also feel so fortunate to team up with my seatmates in the House again this session – Reps. Alex Ramel and Debra Lekanoff (pictured above during a visit with Mount Vernon students). The 40th District “Dream Team” is excited to make a difference for the people in our district.

This year I will serve on the Local Government Committee, the Environment, Energy & Technology Committee, and the Transportation Committee, where I will continue to chair the Ferry Legislator Caucus. I’ll also be coordinating the Climate Commitment Act budget, ensuring meaningful investments for our communities to respond to climate change.

Here are a few of the bills I have introduced this year to keep our planet and communities healthy.

  • Recycling Reform Act (SB 5284): This legislation would modernize our state’s recycling system by creating a producer responsibility program in which manufacturers and brands come together to reduce unnecessary packaging and paper, fund statewide recycling services, and ensure that materials put in recycling bins will actually be recycled.
  • Cleaner fuels for ships (SB 5519): This bill will require all ships in Washington waters to use cleaner fuels and eliminate the use of exhaust gas cleaning systems – better known as scrubbers – that discharge toxic contaminants into the waters of the state. This is a necessary step to protect critical habitat our Salish Sea species depend on.
  • Reducing emissions from HFCs (SB 5483): HFCs are chemicals made up of hydrogen, fluorine, and carbon. They’re commonly used in air conditioning and refrigeration and can be thousands of times more powerful than carbon dioxide. My bill would create a state market for recycled HFCs to reduce the venting of these super-pollutants and speed up the transition to climate-friendly refrigeration systems in our state.

How to participate

It’s easier than ever to participate in the legislative session with remote testimony available all around the state. I look forward to hearing and meeting many of you in person and virtually this year.

My 2025 team

I’m so fortunate to have a talented staff supporting me this session. The people in this photo will be answering your calls, helping resolve casework, tracking my bills, and much more.

  • Ivy Ndambuki (far right) will be anchoring the team as my superstar legislative assistant for the third session. She is a proud WSU graduate and keeps our office running smoothly.
  • MJ Mencias (center) is my session aide this year. She is an Indigenous Afro Latina and recent UW grad with a BA in political science and law society and justice. She plans to attend the Evans School at UW next year to pursue a master’s degree in public policy administration.
  • Marillyn Diaz (second from left) is our intern for the session. A Latina and first-generation college student, she will graduate this spring from PLU, majoring in Hispanic studies with minors in religion and gender, sex, and race studies.
  • Chris West (far left) is a former journalist who has been working in the Senate for a decade. He is assisting our office with communications for the second straight session.

Stay in touch

As always – email, call, testify, and visit – I can’t do it without you! Contact me at and follow along on my Instagram and Facebook pages.

I look forward to working with you this year!
