Washington state became the second in the nation to pass the Silenced No More Act on Thursday. The bill bars employers in the state from using NDAs to prevent workers from talking about instances of illegal harassment and discrimination, retaliation, sexual assault and wage violations.

The bill, a version of which was signed into law in California last year, was championed in Washington by former Apple employee Cher Scarlett and former Googler Chelsey Glasson. It now heads to governor Jay Inslee to sign.

“This bill is about empowering workers. It is about giving workers a voice,” State Rep. Liz Berry, who introduced the House version of the bill, said in a statement. “Despite the progress we’ve made in recent years, too many workers are still forced to sign NDAs and settlement agreements that silence them. This bill will allow all survivors of inappropriate or illegal workplace misconduct to share their experiences if they choose to do so.”