In the News

Olympian: Hospitality Association calls relief package a ‘start’ as legislators discuss more options

Olympian: Hospitality Association calls relief package a ‘start’ as legislators discuss more options

In the wake of new restrictions meant to curb a surge in COVID-19 and a $135 million economic relief package aimed at taming the economic ripple they’ll cause, lawmakers are discussing what more can be done to help the hospitality industry — and quickly. Before the latest COVID-19 restrictions were introduced ...

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Capitol Hill Seattle Blog: As smoke clears in Seattle from 2021 #defundSPD budget fight, state Democrats focus on bad cops

Capitol Hill Seattle Blog: As smoke clears in Seattle from 2021 #defundSPD budget fight, state Democrats focus on bad cops

Monday, the City Council is set to hold its final vote on a 2021 budget for Seattle that will leave both #defundSPD and pro-police spending activists along with Mayor Jenny Durkan mostly unsatisfied. That is the nature of compromise. In the city, this will bring a nearly 17% cut to the city’s 2021 ...

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KOMO: State lawmakers differ on whether special session is needed or wait until January

KOMO: State lawmakers differ on whether special session is needed or wait until January

The last time the Washington state legislature officially met was at the end of the regular session in March just as the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning in the state and the U.S. But as a new legislative session nears, some members are advocating for a special session to ...

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IndiaWest: SALDEF Releases First-Ever National Sikh Survey: 96% Registered to Vote, Yet Majority Feel Alienated from Political System

IndiaWest: SALDEF Releases First-Ever National Sikh Survey: 96% Registered to Vote, Yet Majority Feel Alienated from Political System

Approximately 93 percent of Sikh American citizens are registered to vote, and 96 percent of those registered voters have said they are voting in the 2020 election Nov. 3, reported the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund in the findings of its first-ever National Sikh Survey. Speaking at the survey’s ...

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State of Reform: Task force discusses behavioral health recommendations for the governor

State of Reform: Task force discusses behavioral health recommendations for the governor

During a Behavioral Health Recovery System Transformation Task Force meeting on Friday morning, group members discussed the series of behavioral health recommendations they will submit to the governor’s office ahead of the next legislative session. The recommendations were developed during previous task force meetings dating back to September 2019.

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425 Business: Meet Four Eastsiders to Know

425 Business: Meet Four Eastsiders to Know

Manka Dhingra

Washington State Senator

Always interested in history and politics, Washington State Sen. Manka Dhingra made history as the first person of the Sikh faith ever elected to any state legislature. She took the Eastside’s 45th District position during the 2017 special election, ...

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Chokeholds, tear gas, police reform top agenda for WA Legislature

Chokeholds, tear gas, police reform top agenda for WA Legislature

Washington state lawmakers plan to pursue a broad range of police reforms the next time they meet, including possibly limiting police use of tear gas and chokeholds.

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The List: Manka Dhingra

The List: Manka Dhingra

Always interested in history and politics, Washington State Sen. Manka Dhingra made history as the first person of the Sikh faith ever elected to any state legislature. She took the Eastside’s 45th District position during the 2017 special election, and she founded women’s advocacy organization API Chaya in 1996.

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New law requires consent for pelvic exams on unconscious or anesthesized patients

New law requires consent for pelvic exams on unconscious or anesthesized patients

From The News Tribune A new law took effect Thursday that prohibits medical providers from doing pelvic examinations on women without their consent if they will be unconscious or under anesthesia. It took lawmakers two years to pass SB 5282, in part because they crafted an exception to ...

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The Domestic Violence Discussion podcast with Ariel Gliboff

The Domestic Violence Discussion podcast with Ariel Gliboff

Sen. Dhingra was interviewed about emergency protections for domestic violence survivors during the coronavirus pandemic on Ariel Gliboff's podcast The Domestic Violence Discussion. You can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts .

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