Senate Majority Leader Jamie Pedersen and Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkins made the following statement Monday in response to multiple federal executive orders attacking transgender youth:
“As parents, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and the elected leaders of the Washington State Senate and House of Representatives, we will protect transgender youth.
“These hate-filled attacks from the new federal administration are alarming, but they do not change Washington state law.
“We have established protections at the state level to ensure young people can access life-saving gender-affirming care. We have strong nondiscrimination laws that protect our young people at school, and we are working to clarify and strengthen those laws this session.
“The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction has made clear they will not comply with any federal directives that would require us to discriminate against our students, and we strongly support this position.
“We have also passed some of the strongest legal protections in the country, establishing a shield law preventing other states from enforcing cruel or archaic laws across state lines.
“We will keep working hard to make Washington a state where everyone can live a safe, dignified life, because the job of government is to create opportunity, not drive hate and fear.
“To the transgender youth and their families across the state who are scared about what these orders mean for you or your children, you are not alone. We see you, and we will fight hard for you.
“To the broader LGBTQ+ community, who know too well an attack on any of us is an attack on all of us, we will continue to protect your rights to be who you are and love who you love.