What’s sure to be an interesting, busy 2025 legislative session gets off to fast start today with opening ceremonies and the swearing in of the Senate’s new members. Several committees will hold work sessions to help set the stage for 2025, while others will jump right in with some weighty policy bills aimed at improving public safety, voting access, and funding for Washington’s schools.


The Senate will be in action Friday.

Monday, Jan. 13

All the pomp and circumstance of the first day the of 2025 legislative session will be on display Monday as the Senate swears in new members, adopts the chamber’s rules for 2025 and makes committee assignments official. Watch on TVW.


Sen. Claire Wilson sponsor of SB 5617.

Monday, Jan. 13
2 p.m.

The Human Services Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5082, sponsored by Sen. Claire Wilson. The bill creates a housing benefit for youth in extended foster care so they no longer have to choose between housing and other supportive services. A significant portion of the homeless population — as high as 50% — have a history of being in foster care. Watch on TVW.


Sen. Javier Valdez, sponsor of SB 5077.

Tuesday, Jan. 14
8 a.m.

The Law & Justice Committee will hear from the public on Senate Bill 5098, sponsored by Sen. Javier Valdez. The bill will restrict firearms at places where children are likely to be present such as parks, playground facilities, and county fairs. The committee will also hear Senate Bill 5067, sponsored by Sen. John Lovick, which will lower the allowable blood-alcohol content for drivers from 0.08 to 0.05. Watch on TVW.


Gov. Jay Inslee will deliver his annual State of the State Address.

Tuesday, Jan. 14
10:30 a.m.

Gov. Jay Inslee delivers his final State of the State Address to a joint legislative session. Watch on TVW.


Sen. T'wina Nobles, sponsor of SB 5183.

Tuesday, Jan. 14
1:30 p.m.

The State Government, Tribal Affairs & Elections Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5017, sponsored by Sen. T’wina Nobles. The bill adopts the Uniform Military and Overseas Voter Act, which will ensure greater access to the ballot for both registered Washington voters living overseas and military men and women serving overseas. Watch on TVW.


Sen. June Robinson, chair of Ways & Means.

Tuesday, Jan. 14
4 p.m.

The Ways & Means Committee will hear public testimony on Gov. Inslee’s 2025-27 operating budget proposal, Senate Bill 5167. Watch on TVW.


Bob Ferguson answers questions during Thursday's legislative preview.

Wednesday, Jan. 15
11:30 a.m.

Gov. Bob Ferguson will deliver his inaugural address to a joint legislative session. Watch on TVW.


Sen. Deb Krishnadasan, sponsor of SB 5186.

Thursday, Jan. 16
10:30 a.m.

Bonds are vital to help Washington’s 1.1 million school kids get a great education through better schools and classrooms. Unfortunately, even when a majority of people support a school bonding measure, its fails because it falls short of the 60% threshold required for passage. Sen. Deb Krishnadasan is sponsoring Senate Bill 5186 to lower that threshold to 55% for passage, which will help more schools unlock this vital, voter-approved source of funding. Watch on TVW.


Sen. Liz Lovelett, sponsor of the Recycling Reform Act.

Thursday, Jan. 16
1 p.m., Senate Rules Room

Sen. Liz Lovelett and Rep. Liz Berry will hold a press conference Thursday to discuss and answer questions on the Recycling Reform Act, which would create a producer responsibility program in which manufacturers and brands come together to reduce unnecessary packaging and paper, fund statewide recycling services, and ensure materials put in recycling bins will actually be recycled. If you’d like to attend in person, the event will be held in the Senate Rules Room in the Lieutenant Governor’s office. Watch on TVW.


Sen. Rebecca Saldaña, sponsor of SB 5070.

Friday, Jan. 17
8 a.m.

The Labor & Commerce Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5070, sponsored by Sen. Rebecca Saldaña. The bill prohibits credit card companies from charging fees on tipped wages and sales taxes. You can read more here about Illinois’ effort to ban this practice. Watch on TVW.