The Washington State Senate is looking for college juniors and seniors who are interested in gaining valuable experience and academic credit with the completion of a 60-day internship starting in January 2020. The Senate internship program is an excellent opportunity to gain insight into lawmaking and public service. Applications must be returned by 8 p.m. on Oct. 11 to ensure consideration. Find out more on the Senate website.

Mobile Office this Friday

Please join me and Reps. Riccelli and Ormsby as we host another Mobile Office this Friday at the Emerson-Garfield Farmers Market. The Mobile Office is an opportunity to drop in to meet your legislators in a more informal setting, ask questions and give input on your priorities for Spokane and Washington state. We’ll be there from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Please stop by anytime during that time frame to say hello and provide us with input. Hope to see you there!
• When: 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 20
• Where: Emerson-Garfield Farmers Market, 2310 N Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99205
Census Alliance
In anticipation of the 2020 Census, the Spokane County Complete Count Committee is looking for volunteers to participate on their subcommittees to assist in outreach efforts. The census is vital to ensure an accurate count of our local population, which determines the amount of federal and state resources invested into our community. If you want to find out more or get involved, visit their website.
In anticipation of the 2020 Census, the Spokane County Complete Count Committee is looking for volunteers to participate on their subcommittees to assist in outreach efforts. The census is vital to ensure an accurate count of our local population, which determines the amount of federal and state resources invested into our community. If you want to find out more or get involved, visit their website.