My Priorities

My Priorities

Politics should be about PEOPLE, not careers.

We want a Washington state where it’s inclusive, where we respect other members of the community, where we have an opportunity to thrive. Our issues reflect these values and I will be a relentless advocate to ensure all people in the 34th and Washington State get a seat at the table.

fruit stand

Supporting our Marginalized Communities

The most beneficial way to help our communities is to invest in them. After the 2008 recession, Washington state chose to address a budget crisis by decreasing funding to vital social services ranging from TANF to education. Now, years later, our state is seeing the consequences of those cuts as the housing and homelessness crises worsen. In the face of another budget crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic, investment will be the key to recovery.

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Progressive Tax Reform

Washington state has the most regressive tax structure in the nation. Households who earn less than $25k a year pay 17% of their income in taxes while those over $500k pay less than 2%. Our state operates on property taxes, sales taxes, B&O and a handful of others that ultimately hurt working-class families the most.

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Criminal Justice Reform

The time is long overdue to fix our broken justice system and reform outdated laws that are disproportionately affecting people of color. Along with addressing police brutality and holding our law enforcement accountable, additional policies must be enacted to make our justice system more equitable to everyone.

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wind mill and solar panels

Environmental Justice

We are living through a climate crisis that will shape the future of our planet for generations to come. It’s vital that we act now to prevent further devastation to our environment and protect Washington’s natural resources. For actions to succeed, the crisis needs to be addressed at all levels of government, business, and in our everyday lives.

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