Olympia, March 21, 2019
Dear Neighbors,
My colleagues and I in the Senate continue to advance progressive legislation to improve the quality of life in Washington. Don’t miss our district’s town hall this weekend, where your House representatives and I will chat with you about the issues that matter most.

I’m especially excited this week to share our recent progress with health and wellness legislation.
Access to health care is a right, and last week the Senate passed numerous bills that get us closer to affordable, quality healthcare for all. SB 5822 would initiate the process of finding the best way to provide universal health care in Washington. In the meantime, SB 5526 would increase the availability of quality, affordable health coverage in the individual market by developing standardized health plans and premium subsidies for individuals who purchase insurance on the Washington Health Benefit Exchange.
We are also working hard to get critical health care to some of the most marginalized communities in our state. SB 5602 would expand access to family planning programs regardless of immigration status, and would protect transgender folks from discrimination in receiving reproductive health care services. In addition, SB 5274 would extend health care programs for Washington residents who are citizens of the Marshall Islands, Micronesia or Palau to include dental care services.

All of these bills passed the Senate last week, and now we need your help to make sure they get through the House as well. Make your voice heard by contacting legislators about the issues that are important to you.
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