Save the Date!
Town Hall Meeting, March 18. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Location to be announced soon. Childcare and light breakfast will be available.
Please click below to let me know what you want to discuss at the town hall.
My office receives hundreds of emails and postcards each week from constituents and individuals from around Washington. These are the top three issue I’ve heard about this session so far. I will be interested to see how they line up with the priorities that come out of the survey results.
Education and Averting the Levy Cliff
Thank you for continuing to send your feedback on education issues. More than a month ago the House passed a bill, with strong bipartisan support, to avert the levy cliff. Unfortunately, Senate Republicans refuse to give the bill a vote. Passing this bill immediately is critical so schools can budget and plan for next year without unnecessary extra work and worry. Senate Republicans have chosen to ignore parents, teachers, and school district officials who all call on them to pass the bill now. To see what your school district would lose if we do not pass legislation to avert the levy cliff, please click here. Both Democrats and Republicans have now passed proposals to address school funding and reform, which you can read about in my last e-news here. I will continue to update you as negotiations get underway.
Economic Disruption Act
(Senate Bill 5009): This bill would interfere with and target those exercising their constitutional right to peacefully protest. I am absolutely against this legislation and glad the bill did not receive a hearing before the cutoff date last week. Although it will not pass the Legislature this session, it is important that we stay vigilant of attacks on our basic human rights. Thank you for all those who contacted me on this bill. For more information, please click here.
Issues around gun safety are some of the most contentious that come before the Legislature. I have received many emails from people on all sides of the issue since session began. While it is unlikely any major changes will pass this year in a split Legislature, I appreciate hearing your views on issues around gun safety and hope you will continue to share your concerns and ideas with me.
Day of Remembrance 
The Day of Remembrance marks the anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066, which occurred on Feb. 19, 1942 and sent 120,000 Americans of Japanese descent to internment camps. This year marks the 75th anniversary of a time in American history when the government failed to uphold the constitutional rights of all its people. Watch a short video by Democrats from the Senate and House of Representatives from this year’s Day of Remembrance called “We Remember.”
Stay in Touch
Olympia Office
230 John A. Cherberg Building
Phone: (360) 786-7688
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